Issue Position: Economy

Issue Position

A strong Connecticut is rooted in a stronger economy that works for ALL. I will fight for a progressive economy where everyone has access to a well paying job and the chance at a good life for themselves and their families.

I'm running to be your State Representative because I want to see our community prosper and bring a voice back to the people. Our Legislature has failed to address our state's budget crisis. And, more importantly, our district has not even had a seat at the table in Hartford. We need to establish an economic environment that encourages job growth, increases opportunities, and brings businesses back to Connecticut.

I have the professional experience and the small-business values to push for greater investment in hometown businesses. I have worked with Connecticut business owners to help them grow their companies by securing grants and loans from the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. As the son of an immigrant Connecticut small business owner I learned at an early age the values of hard work, dedication and perseverance.

I will work to protect small businesses and increase state support for small and minority-owned businesses.
I will fight for a budget that spends wisely and brings money back from Hartford to keep our area affordable.
I will work to expand workforce training opportunities (e.g., technical and vocational schools).
I'll fight for a livable wage and for equality in the workplace. Greater workplace diversity is a competitive business advantage.
